Doctorate in Dentistry
A traditional institution in dental education, Universidade Santo Amaro – Unisa offers its Doctoral Program in Dentistry, built on the solid foundation of a teaching team that has successfully led the Master’s Program in Implantology. This postgraduate course has already trained over 160 professionals from various states across the country.
With a focus on Implantology, the Doctorate in Dentistry features full-time faculty members, each dedicating more than 30 hours per week exclusively to research and extension activities. These professors have extensive experience in academic advising and are actively involved in the program’s research lines.
The doctoral program ensures an equal distribution of scientific output and student advising, showcasing the group’s homogeneity and cohesion. The degree offers curricular flexibility, with 50% of the credits in mandatory subjects. The program’s content is designed to provide students with deep methodological, critical, and reflective training.
Duration: 36 months (1380 hours)
Modality: In-person
Training: Doc
Period: Full-time
Offer locations: Interlagos | Adolfo Pinheiro Campus
The main objective of the Doctoral Program in Dentistry at Unisa is to train socially engaged researchers capable of fully participating in scientific research and higher education, particularly in areas related to Implantology.
The program focuses on fostering intense scientific development in these professionals, enabling them to cultivate an interdisciplinary and comprehensive understanding of the advancements in Dental Science.
The University provides an updated bibliography, primarily through specialized journals and books. Additionally, research groups receive external funding from state and federal agencies, as well as from the private sector.
Program Overview
- ATranslational Approach in Implantology – From Molecular Basis to Clinical Practice*
- Advances in Dental Sciences
- Research and Development in Dental Materials and Implant Prosthetics
- Advanced Pharmacology and Drug Therapy in Dentistry
- Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology*
- Advances in Dental Sciences
- Active Methodologies in Dentistry
- Advanced Biostatistics – Analysis of Complex Data
- Critical Analysis of Experimental Methodologies Applied to Scientific Research in Implantology*
- Scientific Writing
- Advanced Research Topics in Periodontics and Implantology
- Biological Basis for the Use of Biomaterials in Implantology
- Seminars: Evidence-Based Dentistry
- Patients with Special Care in Dentistry
- Bioethics*
*Mandatory discipline
Professors of the course